GH Spoilers Video Preview: Spencer’s Missing And A Body’s Found

Your GH spoilers preview video is here! Find out what the Port Charles power players are plotting this week.

GH Spoilers Video Preview

In the first few moments, we see what traumatized us all on Friday — our favorites in Greenland realizing the Haunted Star was bombed — including Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez), who was on the boat, and his grandmother Laura’s (Genie Francis) horror. We hear, “The Haunted Star fallout has unexpected consequences.”

Back in Port Charles, Willow’s (Katelyn MacMullen) loved ones wait for word, including her mother Nina (Cynthia Watros), S onny (Maurice Benard), and Sasha (Sofia Mattsson). Joss (Eden McCoy) tells Dex (Evan Hofer) the worst of it. “They can’t find Spencer.”


Spencer’s lady love, Trina (Tabyana Ali), refuses to give up hope. We hear her say, “He’s still out there, I can feel it,” as the Greenland team, including Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) holding big baby Ace, walk solemnly along.

As Trina takes Spencer’s younger brother in her arms, an official says, “We’ve recovered a body from the wreckage.” The camera stops dramatically on Trina’s complete shock. See it all for yourself in the sneak peek video below.


General Hospital History

GH made its debut in 1963 and was created by the husband and wife team of Frank and Doris Hursley, taking place at a hospital but in an unnamed city. In fact, the setting wasn’t named as Port Charles until the 1970s. General Hospital is the longest-running soap opera currently on air.

From legendary Laura’s (Genie Francis) four decades on and off and back on as the show’s leading heroine, to Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) super-spy exploits, to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and his mobster activities, GH certainly knows how to please their viewers.

GH: Bringing the Drama

More than five decades of gripping drama as well as love in the afternoon have kept this ABC daytime soap on the air and winning Daytime Emmys. Epic romances, action-adventure stories, and love on the run have enthralled viewers over the years.
