General Hospital (GH) teasers indicate that Carly Spencer (Laura Wright), who is facing a $5 million fine that will deplete all of her savings, will take an unexpected turn. Carly won’t let this get her down; she’ll find a way to move on and choose a career.
Carly claimed that the reason she didn’t have a job was because she wanted her share of the Metro Court back.
Carly is ready to work hard and earn some money now, but she is about to experience another unfortunate turn of events.
It’ll take some time for it to play out onscreen, but the show will eventually have to include Bobbie Spencer’s demise due to the real-life passing of her portrayer, Jacklyn Zeman.
Even if they wait until the writers’ strike is over, Bobbie will need a GH tribute episode sooner or later.
There’ll also be a discussion about who’ll inherit what, so let’s consider how that might tie in with Carly’s situation.
Bobbie still owns Kelly’s as far as anyone knows, so Carly may find herself with a new source of income and a place to work if she chooses to.
It might be fun to see Carly get behind the counter and run things – just as a refreshing change of pace.
Of course, Carly may get a financial inheritance and other valuable assets once Bobbie is gone.
It’ll be tragic for Carly to lose her mom, but Bobbie may give Carly some amazing gifts and peace of mind through what she leaves behind.
Carly will have to figure out what to do in the meantime, but it’ll be interesting to see what she does with Kelly’s and who ends up in charge down the line.
Even if Carly lets someone else run Kelly’s instead, she’ll have to make some decisions about the farewell presents that Bobbie passes along.
Carly may be on the verge of an exciting character evolution, so don’t miss what’s ahead for her.
General Hospital spoilers say Carly will make some updates to her life due to the changes that keep happening, so stay tuned for news on her future.