General Hospital Recap: Nina Is The New Mrs. Corinthos…For Now

Nina Reeves better not get used to her new Corinthos last name.

The General Hospital Recap for Friday, October 13, 2023, features Nina lapping up every moment of joy not knowing it may soon come crashing down.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

Also in this episode, Cyrus walked free, Selina made Curtis a huge offer, and Spinelli helped Joss and Dex get one step closer to finding Ava. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

I Now Pronounce You Man And Wife

Nina (Cynthia Watros) was all smiles as she walked herself down the (short) aisle to her man. Sonny (Maurice Benard) was pretty thrilled himself. Soon enough, it was time for the vows.

“I want to thank you for trusting me, for loving me, and for seeing the better man in me than I ever saw in myself,” Sonny said, full of love for her. It turns out he didn’t even need those vows he wrote. He spoke straight from the heart.

Nina did the same. “I kept telling myself that we would never work. And, as I was doing that, my heart has kept falling deeper and deeper in love with you,” she told him. She went on to boast about what a great father and man he is — along with many other great qualities, including, of course, his dance moves. Nina then promised to surround him with love for the rest of his life.

The pair were made official as they exchanged rings and had their first kiss as man and wife. Everyone was overjoyed, especially little Donna, who now had a new mommy. Cue the dancing and festivities!

Unfortunately, that’s when it all fell apart, at least for Michael (Chad Duell). He took a call from his contact and got all the details about the SEC incident. He already knew it was Martin Gray (Michael E. Knight) who made the call, but what he heard next had him whipping his head around to look Nina’s way. Are her happy days numbered?

General Hospital Recap: A Free Man

Over in Pentonville, Cyrus (Jeff Kober) was pleased as punch to get a visit from his sister. Laura (Genie Francis) was impressed with his new look. She was also impressed to hear he donated all his money to charity. Oh yes, every single dime of Cyrus’s tainted funds were gone.

It was not enough for Laura to help him, though. Laura opted to stay out of his drama, a move that ruffled Cyrus a bit. How could she turn her back on him while singing Mob King Sonny’s praises? Laura had no good explanation aside from Sonny being her friend for many, many years.


As it turns out, Cyrus didn’t need her help anyway. Shortly after Laura left, he was released from Pentonville. He walked right out of the gates and into a chauffeured car.

Meanwhile, Joss (Eden McCoy) turned up on Spoon Island to try to find Ava (Maura West). Instead, she found a worried Giles (Craig Gellis). The butler told her about the broken martini glass and pointed her to the cell phone and lollypop.

At the same time, Dex (Evan Hofer) confronted Austin (Roger Howarth). The doc denied everything, even after Dex put him in a headlock and threatened him. No sooner did Dex let him go than Mason (Nathanyael Gray) showed up. Austin warned his “cousin” to get Cyrus to back off, or there would be hell to pay for everyone.

Dex met up with Joss at Wyndemere, where Giles showed them the footage of Ava’s kidnapping. They took this, and all the clues to Spinelli (Bradford Anderson), who had no problem tracking the boat Ava was whisked away on. Who should appear as the captor but Mason?!

GH Recap: No Deal!

Back at the hospital, Portia (Brook Kerr) was bursting to share her good news but wanted to tell Curtis (Donnell Turner) first. She humble bragged to TJ (Tajh Bellow) before heading home.

As for Curtis, his workout was interrupted by Stella (Vernee Watson), who was very proud to see how far he’s come. The praise didn’t last long, though, before Selina (Lydia Look) also came knocking. She had an offer to buy the Savoy she hoped was too good for Curtis to refuse.

She was wrong. Curtis was not immediately impressed, not by the money or the gift basket. Selina tried to make it worth his while (though Stella’s interference wasn’t lost on Selina) but gave up when Portia arrived. Selina left, and Portia shared the details of her promotion. Curtis did not share the reason Selina was in their home.
