Big Brother Host Julie Chen Opens Up About Who The House Should Target Next!

Big Brother 25 has been full of twists and turns as the houseguests compete, and Julie Chen Moonves opens up about who they should go after next.

The Big Brother season 25 houseguests are all competitive threats, but host Julie Chen Moonves revealed who she thinks should be the next target in the house and who she feels is running the game. Throughout Big Brother‘s decades-long run, Julie has been the only host of the series and has an intense personal relationship with the series. As a fan of the game herself and a part of the series from the very beginning, Julie often weighs in on what’s happening in the Big Brother house, sharing her thoughts on the players and the game as a whole. For Julie, watching new houseguests tackle Big Brother is second nature.


According to an interview with People, Julie feels that the house’s next target should be Jag Bains. “Jag is good at winning things,” she explained, adding that while he’s good at “winning games…he hasn’t been able to steer the direction of the house.” There’s more to Big Brother than competition wins, though, which is why Julie feels Cory Wurtenberger is actually running the house. Cory “has the gift of being a persuasive speaker,” according to Julie, and also “has a fair amount of people under his belt” aside from his showmance America Lopez.
