Spoiler Alert! Everything To Know About This Week On ‘Big Brother 26’ (Including The Veto Results)

The jury phase has finally come to Big Brother 26. And it came in like a lion, as a chaotic Veto use had Quinn nominating his tight ally Joseph, who ended up going in yet another house flip. With the “BBAI Arena” competition officially over, will we see the emergence of a more steady traditional game of Big Brother? Or is there plenty more chaos to come?

Here’s everything you need to know about this week on Big Brother 26, including Head of Household and veto winners, nominees, and who is likely to go.

Who is Head of Household this week on Big Brother 26?
Chelsie Baham

Chelsie starts the jury off strong, winning HoH for the second time this season. Though, if her explanation to the other houseguests is any indication, it’s something she won purely by accident when she attempted to throw the competition during the tiebreaker.

Who was nominated this week on Big Brother 26?
Angela Murray and Kimo Apaka

With the three-nominee twist officially retired, Chelsie only had to nominate two people this week. And she happened to copy the nominees from last week, putting up Angela and Kimo.

Who won the Veto this week on Big Brother 26?
Makensy Manbeck

This week saw the seasonal “OTEV” musical chairs competition. And, shockingly, it seems like it lasted a staggering one round! Makensy got the first question right while everyone else got it wrong, giving her the veto.


Was the Veto used this week on Big Brother 26?

Yes! Incredibly, Big Brother history has been made. After winning the veto, Makensy and Chelsie came up with a plan to nominate Quinn Martin, feeling he was playing both sides. So Makensy used the veto to take down Angela, and Quinn went up in her place. Angela now currently holds the record for the most times someone else has use the veto on her, with three.

Who will be evicted this week on Big Brother 26?

Check back on Tuesday or Wednesday to find out who will be voted out this week.

Are there any twists this week on Big Brother 26?

No! It was revealed at the end of last week’s eviction that not only has the jury phase started, but the three-nominee twist and “BB AI Arena” competition have gone away permanently. That means we should expect two nominations on eviction night from here on out.
