The “NCIS” franchise continues to expand in intriguing ways. A new set of stories set in the past will soon grace viewers’ TV screens, as Mark Harmon will return to the “NCIS” universe in a Young Gibbs series titled “NCIS: Origins.” Harmon will narrate the “NCIS” prequel series, while Austin Stowell will physically portray a younger Gibbs. It’s not just long-time fans who are excited about the new show: Harmon’s former co-star, Sean Murray, is also interested in what it can accomplish.
Murray has been part of the “NCIS” family since Season 1 and continues to portray Timothy McGee to this day. In an interview with TV Insider, Murray offered his thoughts on the prequel: “I was aware of it before it got going. I knew about the initial ideas of it and stuff, but ‘NCIS: Origins’ sounds to me something that could be very, very cool.”
Even though Harmon left “NCIS” in Season 19, it sounds like he’s still in contact with Murray and has spoken with him about the prequel series. “I’ve talked to Mark a little bit about it, and I know he’s excited about it,” Murray stated. “I’m sure the quality control on that one is going to be … I think it’s going to be done really well. I really do.” With the Murray seal of approval, there’s all the more reason for fans to get excited.
Sean Murray had an ‘incredible time’ with Gibbs’ final NCIS scene
Sean Murray may be ecstatic at the prospect of a Gibbs origin series, but it seems unlikely Timothy McGee could factor into the show somehow. “NCIS: Origins” is set in the 1990s, well before Gibbs would’ve met McGee (unless the show messes with the timeline for some reason). Other characters will factor into the proceedings, including a key figure in the “NCIS” mythos — Vera Strickland (Roma Maffia) — who hasn’t been seen in a while. But Murray will likely enjoy the Young Gibbs show as a fan, seeing a new side to arguably the most significant character in the franchise.
Gibbs hasn’t been seen on an “NCIS” show since leaving during Season 19. His final scene was actually with McGee, and it was a substantial moment for Murray to be a part of. He told TV Insider, “That’s one of my favorite scenes I’ve done, the goodbye with Mark. As hard as that was, at the same time my character saying goodbye to Mark, we had an incredible time.”
Even though there really isn’t a chance for Mark Harmon and Murray to appear on “NCIS: Origins” together, there’s always hope they could reunite somewhere else in the franchise. In 2022, Murray told Parade, “I really, truly believe that the Gibbs could pop up somewhere. I really believe that there’s a possibility of that happening.” It may not have happened yet, but with “NCIS” still on the air and numerous spinoffs materializing, there’s no shortage of places for Gibbs to swing by.