Big Brother 25 Jury Members Break Down Crying After Watching Messages From Loved Ones

The Big Brother 25 jury members receive some sweet video messages from home at the jury house after nearly 100 days away from their loved ones.

On Big Brother season 25 finale night, the jury members will have spent 100 days away from their loved ones, but while they were in the jury house, they received some sweet video messages from their families, which brought them to tears. The Big Brother 25 jury will be made up of Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Blue Kim, America Lopez, Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, and whichever houseguest is evicted on finale night (either Jag Bains, Bowie Jane, or Matt Klotz). The jury will decide which Big Brother 25 houseguest wins the $750,000 grand prize.

In an Instagram post, Big Brother shared a video of jury members Cameron, Cory, America, and Blue watching their messages from home.


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Blue’s video featured her sister and her mother. Her sister also showed “The OG Kitty Kitty Purr,” Blue’s cat, Suki. Blue’s mom ended the message by telling Blue in Korean, “Thank you sincerely for being born as my daugher. I love you, Blue.” Cameron also cried as his 7-year-old daughter, Stevi Rae, told him, “It’s okay that you didn’t win Big Brother because you’re always a winner to me.” She also updated him on how well she’s doing in school. Stevi concluded her message for the Big Brother 25 jury member by saying, “I really wish you were here with me. You’re brave, you’re loved, and you’re strong.”

Cory Wurtenberger’s Family Can’t Wait To Meet America Lopez

Cory’s family, including his mother, father, and younger sister, sent a message as well. His dad said that they’ve seen a whole new side of him, and they really do love it. He then joked that America and Cory’s showmance name is “Americory,” not “Cormerica.” Cory’s mother told him that they love America, but they hate his mustache. His sister said that she saved a spot next to her on Thanksgiving for America. America smiled through her message from her family, which featured her mother, sister, and 4-month-old nephew. Her mother told her that she missed her a lot and loved her, while her sister told her they were proud of her.


While watching Big Brother, it’s sometimes easy to forget that the houseguests are real human beings with families at home who love them. However, these messages showed that there’s much more to them than the game. It’s apparent that Cameron, Blue, America, and Cory mean so much to their family members, and they will certainly have some beautiful reunions when they finally see them again. Also, it’ll be exciting to see if America and Cory’s showmance will last after they re-enter the real world. Hopefully, they’ll be able to stay together because they’re a very cute couple.

On Big Brother 25 finale night, these four contestants, along with Felicia, Cirie, and the final evicted houseguest, will decide who wins this milestone season. Although there’s speculation that they might be a bitter jury, especially if Jag, who burned all of them, is in the Final 2, many of them are superfans of Big Brother. They’ll most likely respect strong gameplay and will award the most-deserving houseguest with the $750,000 prize. It’s certain to be a thrilling finale to Big Brother 25.

The Big Brother season 25 finale airs Thursday, November 9, at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.
