Tyler Christopher Is Remembered By More Co-Stars and Family

The beloved actor is still being remembered by his fellow DAYS and GH actors.

Tyler Christopher left a hole in the hearts of so many when he passed away on Halloween morning. The tributes are still coming in, now that the shock has started to wear off and reality has sadly settled in.

Honoring Tyler Christopher

Genie Francis played his GH character Nikolas’s mother, Laura, for many years. She weighed in with a tribute on her official X account. “Sweet Tyler….. ‘this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.’”

“My cousin Tyler was something else,” began Drew Cheetwood, who plays Milo on General Hospital. “He was so kind and considerate. Generous beyond belief. Crazy funny. Unique, super smart and so talented. His greatest joy and proudest accomplishment were his children. He was 10 years older than me like my brother [Derk Cheetwood] but he was like my second brother. Us three were as thick as thieves and the best of friends.” You can read his whole tribute below.


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Bài viết do Drew Cheetwood (@cheetwood3) chia sẻ

The actor’s onscreen GH grandmother, Constance Towers, wrote how she felt about him on her Facebook page: “Tyler Christopher played my grandson, Nikolas, on #gh for many years. My character, Helena Cassadine is lethal, evil, without compassion for anyone… except her grandson. She only makes a mistake when a decision concerns Nikolas, her Achilles heel. The joy of having Tyler as that grandson made the role so easy to play. He was the nicest, sweetest, most caring young man. It was tragic to watch him battle with his demons but so gratifying to see him winning the battle. I loved him and will miss him.

“One of my lasting memories of Tyler occurred on the set one day as we were about to shoot a scene. A little voice said ‘Dad?’ Surprised we stopped and realized it was his six-year-old son whom he had brought to work with him that day. Tyler stepped forward not knowing what to expect and in the most gentle of voices asked ‘What is it son?’ ‘I just had to say I love you Dad.’ Tyler hugged him and no one objected. His patient and loving way touched all of us… even the toughest of executives.”

Mary Beth Evans (Kayla, DAYS; Katherine, GH) worked with him on both shows. “I first met Tyler Christopher when he was in his 20s and joined General Hospital. He was always the sweetest guy … kind and thoughtful. And what an actor! Years later, I was so honored to share our Emmy night! And when he came to Days of Our Lives, I was so excited because he was so good and I knew the show would love him. My heart aches for Tyler’s beautiful children, family, and loved ones. I know he fought the good fight and hope that he can now rest in peace.💔”


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Bài viết do Mary Beth Evans (@marybeth.evans) chia sẻ

Jonathan Jackson played Christopher’s GH brother, Lucky, for many years. “My family and I are deeply saddened to learn of Tyler’s passing. He was a beautiful soul with so much compassion, love, humor, and strength. I have so many memories both working together and journeying through different seasons of life together. I consider Tyler a brother as well as a friend. It never mattered how much time would pass between us talking, we were immediately present and back where we left off. He loved deeply and had a great passion for life. Through all the trials Tyler continued to fight back against the darkness, and be a voice for mental health, compassion, and goodness in the world. I’m truly at a loss for words. Our love and prayers are with his family and children. He will always be with us.”

Kate Mansi (Kristina, GH; ex Gabi, DAYS) shared her thoughts via her Instastories, which you can read below.

GH star Kimberly McCullough (Robin) took fans on a walk as she spoke in her Instagram Stories, but it was too good not to capture it all. “I want to talk about Tyler Christopher, the person, if you’re a fan of his or even if you knew him personally, go on a walk with me. I first met Tyler when I was about 16. And as some of you may know, Nicholas and Robin had a friendship, very sweet friendship. But so did Kimberly and Tyler. We were a part of this acting class, which is where I met a lot of my really good friends, and we were also part of a friend group once when I was going through a break-up. It was a really hard time in my life. I was extremely lonely, and he apologized to me for not being there for me. And, and he said, I hope you’ll forgive me. And it made me feel like I wasn’t crazy, that I was loved, and that Tyler really was my friend. I mean, what 20-something-year-old TV star at the height of his career says the words, I hope you’ll forgive me. But that’s the kind of friendship we had.


“Tyler was like a big brother to me,” she confided. “And, you know, things were never romantic between us, which was great. It made their, our friendship even that much sweeter and simpler. The second thing I want to tell you is how Tyler always supported me when I wanted to make a transition into directing. And how much that meant. It was like he could see it as clearly as I could. He would always say, yeah, go, go, go, go, keep going, keep going. I know you’re gonna do it. I know you’re gonna do it. He even went so far as to put me up in his house in Austin, Texas while he was shooting a TV show. I was shadowing on an ABC family show, and he totally took care of me while I was there. He would even make coffee in the morning before I go to work and made me a little note like, see you at work. It was just thoughtful.

“The third thing I want to tell you is about how freaking funny this dude is OK,” she said with a laugh. “I remember Finola [Hughes, Anna] came up to me one day after working with him, and she was like, ‘I didn’t know he was so funny.’ She was like, ‘Tyler is so clever. He just says this stuff under his breath. And so if you’re not listening very carefully, you’ll miss it.’ And I was like, ‘I know, I know, no one knows. He’s a freaking stand-up comedian in the body of a prince.’ Tyler was like, so funny.

“He would tell these stories, and I would literally…my stomach would hurt so bad,” she continued. “I would like cry like those cartoons where the tears like shoot out of the side of your eyes. So I guess my point to all this is to tell you that even though Tyler had his own struggles, he found a way to be all of these things for me as a friend. He found a way to be empathetic, generous, and had a way of just making me laugh. Like no one else could. We shared a love of hip-hop, robust sound systems in our cars. We shared a love of dogs, and we shared a love of finding the emotional truth in our craft. And even though I’m super sad today, I’m so grateful that I got to know someone like that and grateful that I got to have a good friend for over 30 years. Rest in peace, man.”
