Too Close For General Hospital Comfort: Is Spencer Cassadine Falling For Esme?

Where does Trina fit in with Spencer’s new GH family?

General Hospital viewers know that the woman Spencer Cassadine loves is Trina Robinson. There is no doubt about this. We believe in ‘Sprina.’ No matter how hard Spencer is making it with his ignoring Trina in favor of spending time with his baby brother, Ace…and Ace’s mom, Esme Prince. Could Spencer be drifting in the direction of his old girlfriend?

Spencer Cassadine: Never Ever

Nope, 8% dismiss. Not going to happen. Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) is just confused. But it’s a temporary condition. He needs to open his eyes and see Trina (Tabyana Ali) right in front of him. And he needs to close his eyes to any signals Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) might be sending his way.

Two and Two Together

On the other hand, 39% don’t see any other way this story could end. Spencer is obviously feeling drawn toward Esme. How can he not, when they are basically playing house together? Spencer was attracted to Esme in the past. Attracted enough to sleep with her, anyway.


But now he’s seeing a different side of her. The mom side. For all of Esme’s evil past schemes, she truly loves her son. And Spencer, a boy who grew up without a mother, is a sucker for that kind of thing. Esme is a great mom, and she’s still hot. Spencer won’t be able to resist.

Spencer Cassadine: Net Neutral

But, in the end, over half of you – 53% – figure all Spencer is doing is tolerating Esme – for Ace’s sake. If he wants to be in his little brother’s life, he has to make nice with Ace’s mother. Which, now that she keeps insisting she has amnesia, is easier than it was before. They can be friends. They can be family. But they are never going to be anything more than that. Spencer is in love with Trina. And now Esme can never change that.
